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A member registered Jan 21, 2022

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thank for reply, but there isn’t a way for get all the points of gltf object, and prevent the player from going there?

hello, I thought of something, to do a 3d collision detection I can't impose a condition in which if the point is one of the points of the gltf file, the player cannot cross it?  Is there a way to know which are the points of the space where the gltf exists and prevent the player from going there?

thank you so much

hi i have a problem, I would like to solidify the imported gltf object and not the rectangle of the 3DObject plugin, do you know a way to do this?

thank you and great job!

hi, how i can do to make the gltf solid in the game? if i put solid in the behavior, only the square of the 3d object became solid, thank you